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beginner friendly yoga flow
in all of my classes, i share ways to modify if you're in a bigger body, but this one is just for my plus-size, fat practitioners. this is your space to move, breathe, and feel good in your body—exactly as it is. beginner-friendly and focused on supporting the low back, this class is all about making yoga work for you. i hope you enjoy!
recommended props: blocks, strap, blanket
featured poses:
corpse pose (savasana)
easy pose (sukhasana)
tabletop pose (bharmanasana)
cat/cow flow (marjaryasana/bitilasana)
child’s pose (balasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
seated forward fold (paschimottanasana)
supine twist (supta matsyendrasana)
happy baby (ananda balasana)