the high priestess | tarot yoga
week 1 | start your practice
the high priestess is all about accessing your deepest, wisest, most intuitive self. this practice invites you to be still and lean into that space. who are you beneath the mask? when the noise quiets down, what truth rises to the surface? let’s spend some time listening. we’ll be using the wall for our last posture, so grab what you need, settle in, and let’s go deep.
recommended props: blocks, strap, bolster, blanket, wall access
featured poses:
belly-down corpse pose (savasana)
half bow pose (ardha dhanurasana)
sphinx pose (salamba bhujangasana)
supported bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana)
legs-up-the-wall (viparita karani)
Up Next in week 1 | start your practice
Take a breath and feel your connection to the Earth. This class is all about grounding into the present moment and into your truth, keeping you centered when things get chaotic. Make sure you have all your favorite props, and meet us on the mat.