This 20-ish minute flow will get you warmed up from head to toe. Let yourself arrive with every piece of yourself – we’re all messy, we all make mistakes. You were made to bear it. Feel every moment of intensity and know that just because it’s hard, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You’re stronger than you think. (24:09)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)
Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana)
High Plank (Dandasana/Palakhasana)
Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana)
Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Side Plank (Vasisthasana)
Wild Thing (Camatkarasana)
Headstand (Sirsasana)
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Up Next in 20 - 30 Minute Classes
The hardest part is getting to that mat, and you’ve already done that. Since you’re here, let’s take a moment for stillness and sit with the reality that not everything turns out the way we want it to. Life is complex, YOU are complex – and that’s beautiful. (23:59)
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