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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

Up Next in 30 - 45 minute classes

  • HOLIDAY UB LIVE: Abundance

    Join us for the last UB LIVE in 2022 and explore abundance, acceptance, and growth. Roll out your mat and log in to The Underbelly at 12:00pm EST on 12/8 to make space for everything that you are 💜

  • UB LIVE: Be You

    Wrap up the first month of our New Year, Be You Anti-Challenge with this love flow focused on accepting yourself exactly as you are — right now. Follow your breath, and follow your heart

  • the magician | tarot yoga

    open a portal to your brightest future. shine every piece of yourself forward—especially the ones you don’t always love. it takes every part of you to make your magic, so bring it all to your mat and wake up your power.

    recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster

    featured poses:
    easy pose (sukh...