prepare to headstand
yoga for headstands
today, we’re going upside down… away from the wall. you got this! maybe your feet stay on the ground, maybe you just watch, maybe you fall—every bit of it is part of the process. we’ll warm up with heart openers and standing postures before building the strength and confidence to explore headstand together. no pressure, just practice.
recommended props: blocks, strap
featured poses:
supported fish pose (matsyasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
one-legged wind relieving pose (eka pada apanasana)
boat pose (navasana)
tabletop (bharmanasana)
cat/cow (marjaryasana/bitilasana)
puppy dog pose (uttana shishosana)
forward fold (uttanasana)
forward fold twist (parivrtta uttanasana)
crescent lunge (anjaneyasana)
half split (ardha hanumanasana)
low lunge
plank pose (dandasana/palakhasana)
half four-limbed staff pose (ardha chaturanga dandasana)
cobra pose (bhujangasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
dolphin pose (ardha pincha mayurasana)
headstand (sirsasana)
child’s pose (balasana)
sphinx pose (salamba bhujangasana)
easy pose (sukhasana)
Up Next in yoga for headstands
quick headstand workshop
this is just a quick upside-down moment—dolphin, headstand, child’s pose, and on with your day. but going upside down isn’t just about strength—it’s about mindset. if you’re feeling like you can’t do it yet, know that it’s just a part of you that needs to open up, just like your shoulders and hip...
quick headstand warm-up
ready to flip your perspective? this short, energizing flow will get you upside down without overthinking it. we’ll warm up, build strength, and play with headstand—no pressure, just movement. grab a block (or whatever you have for support), roll out your mat, and let’s get into it.
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full body fire
this 20-ish minute flow will warm you up from head to toe. bring every part of yourself to the mat—the messy, the imperfect, the resilient. we all make mistakes, we all struggle, but you were made to bear it. feel every moment of intensity and remember: just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you can...