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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

1-900-SEXERCISE: Intimacy Prep

Love & Sex

Up Next in Love & Sex

  • PELVIC PLAY: Hips & Legs

    When you feel like you want to get out of the pose is when the pose really begins – lean into it. This flow will help stretch and engage your hips and pelvis for increased flexibility and less tension in sex, or just life in general. Hips can hold a lot of emotion and trauma, don't be surprised i...

  • mindful shower | meditation

    This session is a guide for a mindful shower. Yes, like a naked, soapy shower. Or bath if that’s more your style. I want to invite you to make a whole experience out of it if that feels right to you – dim the lights, light some candles, bust out all of your favorite products, and maybe even make ...


    Show your legs a little love! Move slowly through various lunges and stretches to release tension in the thighs and hips. Meet resistance with compassion. (28:33)

    Recommended props: blocks, blanket, strap

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Knees To Chest (Apanasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanas...