welcome to reckoning and release. judgement is about confronting everything—your past, your choices, your patterns—not to punish yourself, but to set yourself free. this is deep work, but the trick is not to run from it. let it all be here. sit with it. move with it. recognize that your liberation is woven into the collective, and stepping into your truth is an act of radical freedom.
recommended props: wall access, blanket, blocks, bolster/pillows
featured poses:
easy pose (sukhasana)
staff pose (dandasana)
seated wrist stretches
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
box pose
wide-legged forward fold with eagle arms (prasarita padottanasana with garudasana arms)
child’s pose (balasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
Up Next in major arcana | tarot yoga
the world | tarot yoga
endings and beginnings. completion and fresh starts. you’ve explored every part of yourself, and now it’s time to step into what’s next. this class is a full-circle moment—jamming through the greatest hits of the last 21 major arcana classes, reminding you of the power and magic you’ve built alon...