Major Arcana: Tarot Inspired Yoga

Major Arcana: Tarot Inspired Yoga

The Major Arcana of the Tarot is the story of our lives. Each card represents the cycles of challenges, successes, and celebrations we all go through. Embark on your Fool’s Journey with these 22 classes built around each archetype in the Major Arcana. We’ll hold your hand the whole way.

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Major Arcana: Tarot Inspired Yoga
  • THE FOOL: Start Your Journey

    Let’s start our journey slowly, with intention. There are pitfalls and stumbles along the way, but there’s space for all of it. Let thoughts of where you’ve been and where you’re going fall away, and settle in what it means to be here at the beginning of a fresh start. (39:58)

    Recommended props:...

  • the fool | journal prompts

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  • THE MAGICIAN: Shine Yourself Forward

    Open a portal to your brightest future. Shine every piece of yourself forward – especially the ones you don’t like. It takes every part of you to make your magic. Bring it all to your mat and wake up your power. (32.24)

    Recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukh...

  • the magician | journal prompts

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  • THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Tend To Mystery

    The High Priestess is all about accessing our deepest, wisest, most intuitive selves. Let’s spend some time being quiet and leaning into that space. Who are you beneath the mask We’ll be using the wall for our last posture. (38:04)

    Recommended props: blocks, strap, bolster, blanket, wall access

  • the high priestess | journal prompts

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  • THE EMPRESS: Re-Mother Yourself

    Get in touch with your divinity. We’re exploring deep restoration and accessing all the different phases of ourselves: maiden, mother crone, full moon, dark moon…they all exist within us. Let things be soft and subtle, powerful and regal. (45:21)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap, blanke...

  • the empress | journal prompts

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  • THE EMPEROR: Stand In Your Power

    Anchor into your strength and TAKE UP SPACE. This class is all about knowing your power and knowing that you don’t need to apologize for being who you are. You are strong, you are capable, you’re a bad bitch, and you got this. Let the expansion happen. Let’s do this thing. (34:32)

    Recommended pr...

  • the emperor | journal prompts

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  • THE HIEROPHANT: Honor Legacy

    Let’s get “traditional” –ish. Yoga has a lot of rigidity and structure so that you can let go of the mind and explore the deeper realms of self. Accept the teacher that lives inside of you, and listen to what they – you – know. Get comfy in a state of perpetual learning, and meet us on the mat. (...

  • the hierophant | journal prompts

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  • THE LOVERS: Find The Love

    When we connect to our own duality and unite with our spirit, we are able to recognize and enjoy the love that exists in all things. That’s what yoga is all about after all: union. Let go of being right in favor of being here. Get what you need, and get ready to soften your heart with us. (38.52)...

  • the lovers | journal prompts

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  • THE CHARIOT: Go Forth and Conquer

    Balance is always found in chaos, smack-dab in the middle of some bullshit. So, we’re leaning in to the bullshit. The forces that drive you are always in motion. YOU are always in motion. And you will meet your destination – however long it takes. Letting falling down ignite your hunger. (45:51)

  • the chariot | journal prompts

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  • STRENGTH: Uncover Vulnerability

    When you do something really fucking hard, and survive it…THAT is strength. Strength is in the restoration and vulnerability that comes after a challenge. We’re going to get into some postures that you might want some props for; we recommend a couple of blocks and a strap. Get yourself set up, ta...

  • strength | journal prompts

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  • THE HERMIT: Illuminate From Within

    The Hermit moves through the world lighting the path for others – and they’re able to do so because of their own journey and introspection. We all have an inner torch of wisdom, but you have to go into the darkness to find the light. This is a chill, meditative practice. (45:41)

    Recommended prop...

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  • Wheel of Fortune: Go With The Flow

    Lean into the journey that each cycle of life takes you on – don’t worry so much about the destination. The wheel is always turning, and the opportunity for change is always there. The forces of the universe are already at work. You don’t need to worry about a thing. (39:13)

    Recommended props: b...

  • wheel of fortune | journal prompts

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  • JUSTICE: Balance and Acceptance

    What would it feel like to accept what is happening so that you can let it carry you into the next phase of your life? This is the balance of cause and effect, good and bad, right and wrong, what is and what isn’t. Allow yourself to feel the kinks and work through them to find that balance. (32:3...

  • justice | journal prompts

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