water | meditations with video
tap into the fluidity of your mind, body, and spirit with this collection of meditations designed to meet you wherever you are. whether you're looking to ground yourself, face what you're carrying, or simply let the bad shit go, these practices invite you to sit with yourself, breathe deeply, and move with the rhythm of your own breath.
have a seat, take a stand, or settle in however feels best—water track is all about flow. no rules, no pressure, just space to be present, listen to yourself, and surrender to what is.
silence within | meditation
We’re inviting you to arrive in this moment with us for a calming meditation sesh. Have a seat on the floor, find what feels most comfortable to you, and let’s remember this: life is not lived in silence, but that doesn’t mean there’s not silence within us. Keep your poses simple with your favori...
natural rhythm | meditation
Have you ever tried to match the rhythm of someone else’s breath? Yeah, we’re not doing that. Have a seat, take a stand, or get into whatever pose feels most comfortable. We’re focusing on breathing. Take a minute to find your way to stillness, notice your breath, and just let it be—wait for your...
bring your baggage | meditation
Bring your baggage and step into the chaos of today. This meditative practice can be done wherever and however is most comfortable for you, whether you’re sitting, standing, or laying down. We’re getting intentional about having compassion for ourselves and we’re bringing our baggage, our worries...
river flow | meditation
Settle in and get comfy wherever you are—this practice takes things nice and easy with a focus on breathing. We’ll take a minute to arrive, relax any tension in the shoulders or down the back, and settle into the unique flow of our breath. Just like every river flows differently, so does our brea...
allow yourself | meditation
We restrict ourselves and set high expectations for ourselves in so many areas of our lives. This meditation is all about forgetting expectations and rules and restrictions, allowing yourself to be exactly as you are. We’ll engage with what it means to be present, get into Bound Angle pose, and t...
breath ripples through | meditation
Let’s get mindful together, reconnect to what’s real, and remember who we are with this meditation. We’re getting into Hero pose with the help of a couple blocks. This posture creates a spaciousness in the pelvis that really lets you feel your breath as it ripples through every part of your body....
strength in surrender | meditation
Honor the fluidity of your spirit by finding the strength to surrender, to release, and to give in to this moment. Find a comfortable seat, shake out your legs, and massage your scalp—fall into the soothing quietness of this meditative space. Release any tension in the neck, in the shoulders, and...
clear out the cobwebs | meditation
Come meditate with us and take this opportunity to do something for yourself. Fill your cup and remember to take care of yourself before taking care of others. Get comfy, sit down, or get into full corpse pose—we’re using micro-movements and micro-adjustments to relax the different parts of your ...
getting existential | meditation
Let’s get existential for a few minutes. Say it with us: “I am.” Pause for a moment to consider what that means and how it feels. We’ll get into this flow with a Bound Angle Pose before tuning into our breath and letting it mellow over time. Acknowledge your breath, give yourself permission to be...
reaching & reconnecting | meditation
In this practice, Jessamyn guides us through Hero Pose. We’re connecting with our breath, letting it guide the way to our spiritual body, and meeting the intensity of Hero Pose with an empowered spirit. Settle into the silence around you. At the end of this practice, we leave with tools to reach ...
eruption | meditation
First things first: we’re getting reflective. Consider that it’s okay to be messy, to erupt like a volcano of emotions, to let all of yourself pour forth—you’ll always feel better after expressing everything inside of you. We accept and honor every part of ourselves and we come into our meditativ...
we're glowing | meditation
Get ready to glow, baby! This meditation is about finding your inner light and letting it shine. We’ll start out with your preferred variation of Staff Pose, using optional bolsters for comfort. As you extend the legs, let them sink purposefully into the earth and take root while your toes flex t...
take a breather | meditation
Let’s take a breather together. Trust, you’ll feel so much better after taking this time for yourself—to reset and refresh through a series of intentional inhales and exhales. This practice will take just a little over 5 minutes. Jessamyn will talk you through settling into your personal space, b...
balancing act | meditation
Today’s practice is all about balance. Between the good and the bad, the sad and the happy—you can’t have one without the other, so embrace everything and sit with what it means to exist at the intersection of it all. If it feels right, get into a Lotus or Half Lotus pose. Draw upward from the ne...
rethink creativity | meditation
Creativity manifests itself in many different ways. This meditative practice is about rethinking creativity and exploring the creative elements of simply surviving. Grab some scrap paper and something to write with because we’re journaling! As you get into a Lotus or Half Lotus pose, keep your wr...
sitting with gratitude | meditation
Today’s practice is all about practicing…gratitude. Drink water, wear SPF, get a good night’s sleep, and PRACTICE. GRATITUDE. You’ll feel so much better after getting in the habit of expressing what you’re grateful for—so grab your writing utensils and get those Legs Up the Wall. Notice your brea...
sacred space | meditation
Got 5 minutes? That’s all you need today. Carve out your own version of a Sacred Space and let’s get into this practice. If you’ve recently gotten hurt, made a mistake, fallen down—this one’s for you. Life’s about learning from those mistakes, getting back up, gaining wisdom, and moving forward w...
decongesting | meditation
Jessamyn guides us toward the emotional, spiritual body—sometimes called our subtle body. In this practice, you’ll focus on clearing out any congestion in your subtle body and rinsing any old emotions or thoughts that may be stuck on a loop, clogging your spirit. Consider this practice your spiri...