Start your New Year right with 108 Sun Salutations to connect the body, mind, spirit, and community and invite in renewal, inspiration, and healing! We'll walk through ways to keep track of your reps, break down a few options for modifying, and embark on this journey TOGETHER! It's all about working at your own pace, so set aside a few hours to make sure you have plenty of time for yoga, your way.
Up Next in ub live | livestreamed yoga
Take a breath and feel your connection to the Earth. This class is all about grounding into the present moment and into your truth, keeping you centered when things get chaotic. Make sure you have all your favorite props, and meet us on the mat.
UB LIVE: Entering Your Villain Air-a
UB Live: Water
Meditate: you'll (probably) feel better. Join us for a 30-minute live meditation class and practice keeping your peace when life is throwing every distraction your way.