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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

MOON DROPS: Menstruation Relief

beginner classes

Up Next in beginner classes

  • GASSED UP: Indigestion Relief

    It’s time to massage your interior organs through twist poses to help relieve gas and indigestion. Sink into this flow whenever you feel backed up or full of hot air. (25:50)

    Recommended props: strap, blocks

    Featured Poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
    Reclined Han...

  • advanced seated yoga

    close the mental tabs in your head and hit refresh. this seated, desk-friendly sequence stretches the spine, loosens tension, and helps bring your mind back to center. perfect for when you need a reset without leaving your chair.

    recommended props: blocks, chair

    featured poses:
    seated cat/cow f...

  • CRYING MY ASS OFF: Depression & Grief

    Let the tears fall and the emotions flow. This nurturing yin class focuses on the hips and heart to allow physical and emotional release. Come as you are, you are enough. (29:52)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap, blanket

    Featured Poses:
    Supported Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist (Su...