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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

OPEN UP YOUR BODY: Get Expansive

beginner classes

Up Next in beginner classes

  • STRETCH IT OUT: Loosen Up

    Feeling like your body needs to go through a taffy puller? We got you. Create space in your hips, hamstrings, and spine with the help of a few seated and supine postures. (25:30)

    Recommended props: strap, blocks, bolster or pillow

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Knees to Chest Pose (Apan...

  • AM HONEY: Wake Up Slow

    Wake yourself up slow and sweet. Soften while you strengthen as you move through spinal activations and get stagnant energy moving. Do it on a mat, do it on the rug, do it in your bed! (11:44)

    No props needed

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
    Cat/Cow Flow (Marja...

  • bedtime yoga

    bring your mess here and let it go. this class is all about mindfulness, guiding you through a simple floor sequence to help you pull your energy back in and fully relax. the perfect pre-bedtime practice to shake off the day and settle into rest. no props needed—just you, your breath, and the flo...