open a portal to your brightest future. shine every piece of yourself forward—especially the ones you don’t always love. it takes every part of you to make your magic, so bring it all to your mat and wake up your power.
recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster
featured poses:
easy pose (sukhasana)
seated cat/cow flow (marjaryasana/bitilasana)
boat pose (navasana)
gate pose (parighasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
standing forward fold (uttanasana)
wide-legged forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)
triangle pose (trikonasana)
tree pose (vrksasana)
reverse tabletop (ardha purvottanasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
Up Next in belly love
FACE YOUR FEAR: Sit With Emotion
Part of our inversion practice is making space for the fear that comes along with going upside down. So…what IF you fall? By doing all of the physical AND mental prep work, it will teach you more than it will harm you. Grab a bolster or pillow, a strap, and a wall, and let’s get to it. (34:25)
Starting in Savasana? Say no more! Practice taking up space by listening to what your body is asking for. Settle into the process of opening your hips and your heart. (20:30)
Recommended props: blocks, strap
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Supine Twist
Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)
Boat P... -
hips, thighs, and spine slow flow
stretch your whole body with a special focus on the hips, thighs, and spine—because let’s be real, they’re carrying a lot. this class will open you up and guide you into deep lunges where you can release pain, tension, and maybe even some long-held emotions trapped in your lower body.
this 30-mi...