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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

ON THE FLOOR | Reyna Cohan

cozy yoga

Up Next in cozy yoga

  • CALM DOWN: Find Peace

    This is the cozy, peaceful warmth of a fire on a cold night. We’re getting into the hips and allowing our soul to settle. You’ve done so much – give yourself permission to do less. Meet us in Savasana. (33:21)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)

  • Yoga for When You Can't Leave The Bed

    Let your yoga meet you where you are! Maybe you need a reset, a rest or you just want to chill - with a little stretch. (8:25)

    *note, the membership on YouTube is ending, stay with us here, on the app

  • gratitude | meditation

    Welcome to the last session in this installment of Ebb & Flow. We’re going to take a few minutes to practice gratitude together. This is a great session to do at the end of your day, either in or before going to bed. If you’re the journaling type and want to write down the things you think of, ma...