this light lives inside of you all the time! even when you're going through it, the sun is always present, always shining for you. stand in the rays, let that warmth hit your skin, and soak it all in. this practice is here to remind you—it’s all for you.
recommended props: blocks, blanket
featured poses:
easy pose (sukhasana)
seated twist (parivrtta sukhasana)
bound angle pose (baddha konasana)
tabletop pose (bharmanasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
mountain pose (tadasana)
upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
forward fold (uttanasana)
half-lift forward fold (ardha uttanasana)
high plank pose (phalakasana/dandasana)
low plank (chaturanga dandasana)
cobra pose (bhujangasana)
upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana)
high crescent lunge (anjaneyasana)
warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2)
wide-legged forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)
warrior 3 (virabhadrasana 3)
standing split (urdhva prasarita eka padasana)
goddess pose (utkata konasana)
belly-down corpse pose (savasana)
bow pose (dhanurasana)
camel pose (ustrasana)
reverse tabletop pose (ardha purvottanasana)
knees to chest (apanasana)
supine twist (supta matsyendrasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
Up Next in morning yoga
Renewal Morning
Renew! Reset! Hit the refresh button for yourself. Let's start (or restart) our day from a centered space. Great for a midday reset or if you're trying to start today fresh after a hard couple of days! You've got this. (7:41)
AM HONEY: Wake Up Slow
Wake yourself up slow and sweet. Soften while you strengthen as you move through spinal activations and get stagnant energy moving. Do it on a mat, do it on the rug, do it in your bed! (11:44)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
Cat/Cow Flow (Marja... -
the magician | tarot yoga
open a portal to your brightest future. shine every piece of yourself forward—especially the ones you don’t always love. it takes every part of you to make your magic, so bring it all to your mat and wake up your power.
recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster
featured poses:
easy pose (sukh...
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