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seeds | yoga basics

Up Next in seeds | yoga basics

  • cat + cow breakdown

    most yoga classes start with this wiggly flow between cat and cow—and for good reason. un-crunch your ligaments, loosen up tight muscles, and shake off whatever stiffness you’ve been carrying. don’t take that shit with you—clean out the gunk and move on.

    no props needed

    featured poses:
    cat pose...

  • low impact core flow

    get grounded, feel balanced, and take your practice deeper. “easy pose” isn’t always as easy as it sounds—but with a little activation, you’ll find stability and strength in stillness. in this class, we’ll wake up the legs, shake off any stiffness, and settle into a seat that feels solid. whether...

  • THREAD THE NEEDLE: Supine Pigeon Pose

    Also known as Supine Pigeon Pose. A step-by-step guide to release tension in your hips. Let go of what you’ve been holding on to, not just physically but emotionally as well. (10:23)