Moon Cycle 28-Day Challenge Playlist

Playlists to accompany the Moon Cycle 28-Day Challenge Workbook (available in the UB Shop)

  • WEEK 1 | Moon Cycle Challenge

    7 items

    This playlist corresponds with Week 1: New Moon in the Moon Cycle 28-Day Challenge workbook, available at

    Rest, reflection, and renewal are just a few themes that come up when the Moon is dark. This is a blank slate, a time to set intentions and plant the seeds for whateve...

  • WEEK 2 | Moon Cycle Challenge

    7 items

    This playlist corresponds with Week 1: New Moon in the Moon Cycle 28-Day Challenge workbook, available at

  • WEEK 3 | Moon Cycle Challenge

    7 items

    This playlist corresponds with Week 1: New Moon in the Moon Cycle 28-Day Challenge workbook, available at

  • WEEK 4 | Moon Cycle Challenge

    7 items

    This playlist corresponds with Week 1: New Moon in the Moon Cycle 28-Day Challenge workbook, available at