balance isn’t found after chaos—it’s found right in the middle of it. so we’re leaning into the bullshit. the forces that drive you are always in motion. you are always in motion. no matter how long it takes, you will meet your destination. let falling down ignite your hunger, and let’s ride this wave together.
recommended props: blocks, strap, chair, wall access
featured poses:
easy pose (sukhasana)
cobra pose (bhujangasana)
locust pose (salabhasana)
sphinx pose (salamba bhujangasana)
half bow pose (ardha dhanurasana)
bow pose (dhanurasana)
child’s pose (balasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
mountain pose (tadasana)
warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2)
wide-legged forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)
tree pose (vrksasana)
dancer pose (natarajasana)
standing forward fold (uttanasana)
tabletop pose (bharmanasana)
dolphin pose (ardha pincha mayurasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
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when you do something really fucking hard and survive it… that is strength. but real strength isn’t just in the challenge—it’s in the restoration, the softness, the vulnerability that follows. this flow will push you, open you, and invite you to take off your armor and get humble.
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