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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly


WEEK 1 | Moon Cycle Challenge

Up Next in WEEK 1 | Moon Cycle Challenge

  • ON THE FLOOR | Reyna Cohan

    Get grounded literally and energetic with this 20-minute gentle flow fully on the floor. Feel free to use a blanket instead of a mat, gather some pillows and extra blanket, blocks, and any other props you like to give your body lots of support.

  • MESSY MASTERPIECE: Embrace Vulnerability

    Get soft, go slow, give up. This flow is about letting your vulnerability come to the surface. Get messy, let yourself be, you're already a masterpiece! (49:26)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Child’s Pose (Balasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
    Cat/Cow Flow (Marjariasana/Bitilasana)

  • THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Tend To Mystery

    The High Priestess is all about accessing our deepest, wisest, most intuitive selves. Let’s spend some time being quiet and leaning into that space. Who are you beneath the mask We’ll be using the wall for our last posture. (38:04)

    Recommended props: blocks, strap, bolster, blanket, wall access