yoga for strength and endurance
20 - 30 minute classes
we’re not going to pretend inverting isn’t hard—it is hard, and that’s exactly what makes the journey worth it. this class is all about building endurance with sun salutations and supported core work to help you take those first steps toward getting upside down. no pressure, no rush—just listening to yourself and seeing where the practice takes you.
no props needed
featured poses:
mountain pose (tadasana)
upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
upward salute side bend
forward fold (uttanasana)
half forward fold (ardha uttanasana)
high plank (dandasana/palakhasana)
low plank (chaturanga dandasana)
cobra pose (bhujangasana)
downward dog (adho mukha svanasana)
boat pose (navasana)
reverse tabletop (ardha purvottanasana)
Up Next in 20 - 30 minute classes
It’s easy to get lost in labels. Let’s just sit together in our expansiveness. There is so much life in your body and there’s no better time than now to honor that. Every piece of you is necessary – even the parts you don’t like. (22:02)
Easy Pose/Meditation Seat (Sukhasana)
the sun | tarot yoga
this light lives inside of you all the time! even when you're going through it, the sun is always present, always shining for you. stand in the rays, let that warmth hit your skin, and soak it all in. this practice is here to remind you—it’s all for you.
recommended props: blocks, blanket
the moon | tarot yoga
let’s get intuitive. the moon holds space for every phase of you—every emotion, every cycle. just like the moon, no matter what version of yourself is most present, your whole self is always there. this practice invites you to go deep, explore what’s beneath the surface, and see what comes up. yo...