let’s get intuitive. the moon holds space for every phase of you—every emotion, every cycle. just like the moon, no matter what version of yourself is most present, your whole self is always there. this practice invites you to go deep, explore what’s beneath the surface, and see what comes up. you might be surprised by what you find.
no props needed
featured poses:
corpse pose (savasana)
easy pose (sukhasana)
tabletop pose (bharmanasana)
cat/cow flow (marjaryasana/bitilasana)
goddess pose (utkata konasana)
triangle pose (trikonasana)
pyramid pose (parsvottanasana)
low crescent lunge (anjaneyasana)
side lunge (skandasana)
upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
mountain pose (tadasana)
Up Next in 20 - 30 minute classes
How to Get Your Splits | Beginner and...
What's Good, Y'all! We have a brand new, in-depth breakdown class and this time I'm going to help you finally get your split! Whether you're a dancer, gymnast, or simply looking to improve your flexibility, this comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the process of achieving the perfect sp...
beginner friendly yoga flow
in all of my classes, i share ways to modify if you're in a bigger body, but this one is just for my plus-size, fat practitioners. this is your space to move, breathe, and feel good in your body—exactly as it is. beginner-friendly and focused on supporting the low back, this class is all about ma...
OPEN UP YOUR BODY: Get Expansive
Take a moment to breathe, stretch, and open your body – without leaving the floor. (22:34)
Recommended Props: Blocks, pillow or bolster, strap
Featured Poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Knees to Chest Pose (Apanasana)
Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
Seated Cat/Cow Flow (Marjariasana/Bitilasana)...