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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

the high priestess | tarot yoga

30 - 45 minute classes

Up Next in 30 - 45 minute classes


    You're not missing anything, you're exactly where you need to be. This flow is all about fighting FOMO, and remembering to bloom where you're planted.

  • the emperor | tarot yoga

    anchor into your strength and take up space. this class is all about owning your power—knowing that you are strong, capable, and don’t need to shrink or apologize for who you are. expansion isn’t something you have to earn—it’s your birthright. so stand tall, claim your space, and let’s do this t...

  • the hierophant | tarot yoga

    let’s get traditional—ish. yoga comes with structure and discipline not to box you in, but to free you. the framework exists so you can let go of the mind and explore the deeper realms of self. this class invites you to trust the teacher that already lives inside of you. listen to what they—you—k...