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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

cat + cow breakdown

beginner classes

Up Next in beginner classes

  • low impact core flow

    get grounded, feel balanced, and take your practice deeper. “easy pose” isn’t always as easy as it sounds—but with a little activation, you’ll find stability and strength in stillness. in this class, we’ll wake up the legs, shake off any stiffness, and settle into a seat that feels solid. whether...

  • THREAD THE NEEDLE: Supine Pigeon Pose

    Also known as Supine Pigeon Pose. A step-by-step guide to release tension in your hips. Let go of what you’ve been holding on to, not just physically but emotionally as well. (10:23)

  • DOWNWARD FACING DOG: Activate From th...

    Ground down and center your energy. Allow this common pose to become a place of respite. (10:20)