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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

Heart Shine: Open Up

beginner classes

Up Next in beginner classes

  • MESSY MASTERPIECE: Embrace Vulnerability

    Get soft, go slow, give up. This flow is about letting your vulnerability come to the surface. Get messy, let yourself be, you're already a masterpiece! (49:26)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Child’s Pose (Balasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
    Cat/Cow Flow (Marjariasana/Bitilasana)

  • TEARS & FEARS: Let Emotions Out

    Sometimes, the hard shit ends up bringing the greatest gifts. If you’re having a particularly hard day, try this flow. Do your best or don’t do anything at all, we love that for you. (1:06:34)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist (S...

  • intermediate seated yoga

    a snack-sized stretch you can do right from your chair or desk. this class focuses on the upper body—where all that tension builds up from too much screen time and too many to-do’s. let it all go and invite in some much-needed rest and relaxation. call it recess.

    no props needed