Let the stress of the day roll off your back with this sweet and soothing flow. Release the hard parts of your day and invite the softness of self-compassion and forgiveness. Feel like practicing in bed? You do you. (20:17)
Recommended props: blanket, bolster, blocks
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Upward Salute (Urdvha Hastasana)
Hero Pose (Virasana)
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Belly-Down Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)
Supported Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Up Next in Cozy Yoga
RISE & SHINE: Refresh Your Energy
Stay comfy, because this can be done from your couch, chair, or even your bed! Squeeze a few moments of movement in while the next episode is loading or in-between meetings. (2:11)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Seated Upward Salute (Urdvha Hastasana)
Seated Mountain Pose (Tadasana) -
AM HONEY: Wake Up Slow
Wake yourself up slow and sweet. Soften while you strengthen as you move through spinal activations and get stagnant energy moving. Do it on a mat, do it on the rug, do it in your bed! (11:44)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
Cat/Cow Flow (Marja... -
SLOW ROLL: Pre-Bedtime Practice
Bring your mess here and let it go. This class focuses on mindfulness through a short sequence of simple floor postures. Pull your energy back in and let yourself relax. The perfect pre-bedtime practice! (17:01)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Knees to Chest (Apanasana)