anchor into your strength and take up space. this class is all about owning your power—knowing that you are strong, capable, and don’t need to shrink or apologize for who you are. expansion isn’t something you have to earn—it’s your birthright. so stand tall, claim your space, and let’s do this thing.
recommended props: blocks, strap, bolster
featured poses:
corpse pose (savasana)
wind relieving pose (apanasana)
supine twist (supta matsyendrasana)
tabletop pose (bharmanasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
mountain pose (tadasana)
upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
forward fold (uttanasana)
halfway lift (ardha uttanasana)
warrior 1 (virabhadrasana 1)
low lunge (anjaneyasana)
low lunge twist (parivrtta utthita ashwa sanchalanasana)
warrior 3 (virabhadrasana 3)
half lord of the fishes (ardha matsyendrasana)
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