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TEARS & FEARS: Let Emotions Out

Mental Support Playlist

Up Next in Mental Support Playlist

  • I AM: Insecurity & Imposter Syndrome

    Fear is not fact and we all need reminders that we are, we can, and we will. You are enough, you are not an imposter. Leave the mat feeling confident no matter the obstacles ahead. (19:41)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured Poses:
    Tabletop pose (Bharmanasana)
    Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Sva...

  • FACE YOUR FEAR: Sit With Emotion

    Part of our inversion practice is making space for the fear that comes along with going upside down. So…what IF you fall? By doing all of the physical AND mental prep work, it will teach you more than it will harm you. Grab a bolster or pillow, a strap, and a wall, and let’s get to it. (34:25)


  • ME 3.0: Your Relationship with You

    A slow, powerful yin flow that is just as emotionally activating as it is physically. Finding and honoring your truth is the most powerful aspect of the relationship with yourself. Get honest. (28:22)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap, blanket

    Featured Poses:
    Hero Pose (Virasana)
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