Mental Support Playlist

You're invited to make some space for your mind and body with our Mental Support Playlist. Designed to meet you wherever your mental health may be! These classes combine gentle movements, mindful breathing, and meditation practices to help you cultivate a safe space within, reduce stress, and enhance emotional resilience. Whether you're new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, our sessions are tailored to create a calming environment where you can reconnect with yourself and find balance in your everyday life. Join us to nurture your mental well-being. You've got this! We believe in you.

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  • TUNE INTO YOU: Feel Your Strength

    Come to this class when you want to get your ass kicked – in a good way! You are capable of more than you could even imagine, and the only way to see it is to be pushed to the limit. Stop when you need to, rest when you need to.

    Recommended props: two blocks

    Featured poses:
    Child’s Pose (Balas...

  • UNSCREWED: Frustration Release

    Sometimes we think we’re screwed when we’re really just screwed too tight. Unscrew your mind and body while releasing anxiety and frustration! (15:31)

    No props needed

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Knees to Chest (Apanasana)
    Reclined Half Lotus/Reclined Bikram Tree (Supta Ardha Padmasa...

  • Heart Shine: Open Up

    This full-body flow hits every spot and opens you up where you need it most. Stretch and let your heart shine! (17:26)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    Upward Salute (Urdvha Hastasana)
    Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
    Half-Lift Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana)...

  • CRYING MY ASS OFF: Depression & Grief

    Let the tears fall and the emotions flow. This nurturing yin class focuses on the hips and heart to allow physical and emotional release. Come as you are, you are enough. (29:52)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap, blanket

    Featured Poses:
    Supported Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist (Su...

  • TEARS & FEARS: Let Emotions Out

    Sometimes, the hard shit ends up bringing the greatest gifts. If you’re having a particularly hard day, try this flow. Do your best or don’t do anything at all, we love that for you. (1:06:34)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist (S...

  • I AM: Insecurity & Imposter Syndrome

    Fear is not fact and we all need reminders that we are, we can, and we will. You are enough, you are not an imposter. Leave the mat feeling confident no matter the obstacles ahead. (19:41)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured Poses:
    Tabletop pose (Bharmanasana)
    Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Sva...

  • FACE YOUR FEAR: Sit With Emotion

    Part of our inversion practice is making space for the fear that comes along with going upside down. So…what IF you fall? By doing all of the physical AND mental prep work, it will teach you more than it will harm you. Grab a bolster or pillow, a strap, and a wall, and let’s get to it. (34:25)


  • ME 3.0: Your Relationship with You

    A slow, powerful yin flow that is just as emotionally activating as it is physically. Finding and honoring your truth is the most powerful aspect of the relationship with yourself. Get honest. (28:22)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap, blanket

    Featured Poses:
    Hero Pose (Virasana)
    Staff ...

  • THE EMPRESS: Re-Mother Yourself

    Get in touch with your divinity. We’re exploring deep restoration and accessing all the different phases of ourselves: maiden, mother crone, full moon, dark moon…they all exist within us. Let things be soft and subtle, powerful and regal. (45:21)

    Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap, blanke...

  • Morning Floss with Nina Kolar

    We floss our teeth to keep them happy & we floss our fascial lines to keep our bodies moving the way we love! This 40 minute class combines active mobility and elements of vinyasa that wake you up from the center out. Options for all levels throughout class. For this class all you'll need is a ma...

  • PIN CUSHION: Meditate Your Feelings

    If sitting still with your emotions is the hardest thing to do, that’s how you know you need it most. In this meditation focus on being still and breathing through discomfort. If you’ve been having a lot of big emotions come up in your postural practice, come here to sit with them. (15:42)

    No pr...

  • strength in surrender | meditation

    Honor the fluidity of your spirit by finding the strength to surrender, to release, and to give in to this moment. Find a comfortable seat, shake out your legs, and massage your scalp—fall into the soothing quietness of this meditative space. Release any tension in the neck, in the shoulders, and...