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FORWARD FOLD: Bow To Yourself
Quickie: Yoga Classes in 10 Minutes or Less
Wide-Legged Forward Fold: an excellent way to clear out your head. Shake it up, reverse it. Let’s get into it. (7:55)
Up Next in Quickie: Yoga Classes in 10 Minutes or Less
EASY POSE: Take A Seat
Get grounded, feel balanced, enhance your practice. “Easy Pose” may be deceptively challenging. Activate your legs, shake it out and find your stillness. (8:10)
CAT/COW POSE: Spinal Flow
Most yoga classes start with this wiggly flow between Cat Pose and Cow Pose. Un-crunch ligaments and muscles. Don’t carry that shit with you. Clean out the gunk. (7:32)
TAKE 5: Get Expansive
If you’ve been scrolling your phone all day or if you’ve been at your desk with your elbows bent for hours—this one’s for you. All you need is 5 minutes and a wall to release tension in the shoulders and give your energy a refresh! (4:33)
Recommended props: wall
Featured poses:
Standing Wall-Su...