advanced seated yoga
the remedies
close the mental tabs in your head and hit refresh. this seated, desk-friendly sequence stretches the spine, loosens tension, and helps bring your mind back to center. perfect for when you need a reset without leaving your chair.
recommended props: blocks, chair
featured poses:
seated cat/cow flow (marjariasana/bitilasana)
seated upward salute (urdhva hastasana)
seated twist (parivrtta sukhasana)
forward fold (uttanasana)
forward fold twist (parivrtta uttanasana)
big toe hold (padangusthasana)
seated figure 4 pose (eka pada utkatasana)
Up Next in the remedies
neck, back and beyond
jaw clenched? shoulders up by your ears? back feeling like a question mark? let’s fix that. this beginner-friendly, fully seated class is designed to loosen the tension that builds up from bad posture, anxiety, or just existing in a device-obsessed world.
formerly known as stiff kitty: neck & sp...
A gentle, non-habit forming flow for the nights you can’t sleep. Sometimes if your mind wants to move around, so does your body. Release stress and energy for a better night’s sleep. (23:57)
Recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster, strap, wall access
Featured Poses:
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)... -
TREAT THY TREE: Hips, Backs & Shoulders
Whether you feel like a weeping willow or a stiff pine tree, root firmly into the ground and nurture your branches in a variety of balance and strengthening poses. This flow avoids the wrists and releases tension throughout the hips, back and shoulders. A great practice for those with upper body ...