the hermit moves through the world lighting the path for others—but only because they’ve first walked through their own darkness. wisdom isn’t something given, it’s something earned through introspection, stillness, and trust in yourself. this practice is a slow, meditative journey inward, a chance to sit with yourself and let your own light reveal the way forward.
recommended props: blocks, blanket, strap
featured poses:
staff pose (dandasana)
easy pose (sukhasana)
seated forward bend (paschimottanasana)
locust pose (salabhasana)
cobra pose (bhujangasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
standing forward fold (uttanasana)
eagle pose (garudasana)
garland pose (malasana)
big toe hold forward fold (padangusthasana)
seated straddle forward fold (upavistha konasana)
supine twist (supta matsyendrasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
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