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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

ON THE FLOOR | Reyna Cohan

10-20 minute classes

Up Next in 10-20 minute classes

  • lower body restorative yoga

    open your heart, take a rest, and give your body the love it deserves. perfect for days spent sitting at a desk or waking up stiff, this class invites you to stretch, breathe, and release tension. worship your thighs—they work hard for you.

    no props needed (but feel free to grab a strap or anyth...

  • SACRED SELF: Inner Peace & Strength

    Work with your inner world so you can better show up for the one outside. This flow is designed to leave you feeling strong, confident and at peace for facing the rest of your day. (15:49)

    No props needed.

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
    Downward Faci...

  • neck, back and beyond

    jaw clenched? shoulders up by your ears? back feeling like a question mark? let’s fix that. this beginner-friendly, fully seated class is designed to loosen the tension that builds up from bad posture, anxiety, or just existing in a device-obsessed world.

    formerly known as stiff kitty: neck & sp...