when nothing else in life feels like it’s got you—don’t worry, we do. this class is here to hold you, stretch you, and remind you to just be. slow down, sink in, and let yourself be fully supported.
recommended props: blocks, strap, blanket, bolster, pillows
featured poses:
corpse pose (savasana)
reclined bound angle pose (supta baddha konasana)
knee to chest (apanasana)
reclined extended hand to big toe pose (supta utthita hasta padangusthasana)
supine twist (supta matsyendrasana)
seated straddle (upavistha konasana)
legs up the wall (viparita karani)
easy pose (sukhasana)
Up Next in 30 - 45 minute classes
Wild thing, you make my heart sing! We’re building up to one of our favorite heart openers: Wild Thing (Camatkarasana). We spend so much of our lives making ourselves small – take this time to make yourself big and vast. (36:37)
Recommended props: blocks
Featured poses:
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
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energizing vinyasa flow
let’s take our backbends one step further with wheel pose. don’t get stuck in your head—this isn’t a performance, it’s a practice, and we’re in it together. whether you’re building strength, finding confidence, or just seeing where your body takes you, this class will guide you through the prep a...
full body energy boost
the perfect flow to energize your whole body and get pumped up for whatever’s next. with spinal mobility, balancing, and backbends, this practice is designed to wake you up from the inside out. move, breathe, and step off your mat feeling strong, open, and ready for anything.
recommended props: ...