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Watch this video and more on The Underbelly

Let's Bloom with Kathryn Budig • Haus of Phoenix

45+ minute classes

Up Next in 45+ minute classes


    You’re strong and powerful, and this flow built from Sun Salutation A & B and a few new warrior postures is designed to ground you in that truth. There’s a lot of other places you could be right now, but the fact that you’re taking the time on the mat to take care of yourself has great significan...

  • OPEN NATURALLY: Do The Splits

    It’s time to get into the most open of hip openers: Hanumanasana (A.K.A., full split). Let your body take its time and sink into this expansion slowly – however long it takes. No need to force anything. There’s no rush. Just let it open naturally. (46:20)

    Suggested props: two blocks

    Featured po...

  • SOLIDIFY THE BASICS: Get Ready for In...

    This class breaks down the postures that get you ready to build into inversions. Once you’re solid here, you’re golden to start exploring the Bottoms Up collection. Get ready to sweat. (45:17)

    Recommended props: blocks, strap

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Knee to Chest (Apanasana)