welcome to reckoning and release. judgement is about confronting everything—your past, your choices, your patterns—not to punish yourself, but to set yourself free. this is deep work, but the trick is not to run from it. let it all be here. sit with it. move with it. recognize that your liberation is woven into the collective, and stepping into your truth is an act of radical freedom.
recommended props: wall access, blanket, blocks, bolster/pillows
featured poses:
easy pose (sukhasana)
staff pose (dandasana)
seated wrist stretches
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
box pose
wide-legged forward fold with eagle arms (prasarita padottanasana with garudasana arms)
child’s pose (balasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
Up Next in morning yoga
justice | tarot yoga
what would it feel like to accept exactly what is happening—not to fight it, but to let it carry you forward? justice is the balance of cause and effect, of what is and what isn’t, of leaning into the tension instead of resisting it. this practice invites you to feel the kinks, move through them,...
morning commute | meditation
Today’s session is a short, meditative moment for you to use on your commute, or in the time between parking your car and walking into work. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the bus, train, or freeway, however you’re able to show up is perfect. Whether you’re in transit physically or emotionally, you ...
Renewal Morning
Renew! Reset! Hit the refresh button for yourself. Let's start (or restart) our day from a centered space. Great for a midday reset or if you're trying to start today fresh after a hard couple of days! You've got this. (7:41)