open a portal to your brightest future. shine every piece of yourself forward—especially the ones you don’t always love. it takes every part of you to make your magic, so bring it all to your mat and wake up your power.
recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster
featured poses:
easy pose (sukhasana)
seated cat/cow flow (marjaryasana/bitilasana)
boat pose (navasana)
gate pose (parighasana)
downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana)
standing forward fold (uttanasana)
wide-legged forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)
triangle pose (trikonasana)
tree pose (vrksasana)
reverse tabletop (ardha purvottanasana)
corpse pose (savasana)
Up Next in morning yoga
Morning Yoga | Wake Up Flow | Beginne...
What's Good, Y'all? Today's class is to help you wake up and you don't even have to leave your bed! Have a great week!
AM SAUCE: Yoga Espresso Shot
Pour this flow on days that feel extra dry and let yourself soak it up! This flow is best for the morning or anytime you want a burst of energy. Leave the mat feeling centered and ready to spice up your life. (14:38)
No props needed.
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Tabletop Pose (Bharman...