Shine bright, shine far, don’t be shy – be a STAR! This is the new life that grows after the hardships brought on by The Devil and The Tower. Pull your power out from your core and expand into all of the possibilities ahead of you. Arrive with levity and heart, and be willing to play and fall down. (39:56)
Suggested props: blocks
Featured Poses
Reclined Star Pose
Dead Bug Pose
Seated Straddle
Tabletop Pose
Side Plank
Downward Facing Dog
Mountain Pose
Upward Salute
Forward Fold
Half-Lift Forward Fold
High Plank Pose
Low Plank Pose
Cobra Pose
Upward Facing Dog
High Crescent Lunge
Warrior 2, Star Pose
Wide-Legged Forward Fold
One-Legged Mountain Pose
Wide-Legged Forward Fold Twist
Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose
Child’s Pose
Seated Straddle
Stargazer Pose
Corpse Pose
Up Next in Morning Yoga
BED BLOOM: Prep Your Arms, Hands & Back
Yoga from bed? Hell yeah. Open up your heart, improve your posture, and increase balance. This class stretches arms, palms, and back, preparing you for all your favorite freaky fetishes. Practice first thing in the AM, right before bed, or as an afternoon delight. (24:13)
No props needed
Wheel of Fortune: Go With The Flow
Lean into the journey that each cycle of life takes you on – don’t worry so much about the destination. The wheel is always turning, and the opportunity for change is always there. The forces of the universe are already at work. You don’t need to worry about a thing. (39:13)
Recommended props: b...
Warm Up Your Body: Refresh Your Energy
The perfect flow to squeeze in whenever you can morning, noon, or night. Flow through foundational sequences to get your body warm and your mind focused. (23:21)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
Cat/Cow Flow (Marjariasana/Bitilasana)
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Upward Salute/H...