Major Arcana: Tarot Inspired Yoga

Major Arcana: Tarot Inspired Yoga

The Major Arcana of the Tarot is the story of our lives. Each card represents the cycles of challenges, successes, and celebrations we all go through. Embark on your Fool’s Journey with these 22 classes built around each archetype in the Major Arcana. We’ll hold your hand the whole way.

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Major Arcana: Tarot Inspired Yoga
  • THE HANGED MAN: Change Your Perspective

    Find stillness amongst the chaos and hang out in the unknown. Sometimes when shit hits the fan, the best thing to do is wait it out and see what happens. The Hanged Man invites you to change your perspective in order to change your life – maybe it’s a lot, and maybe you can handle a lot. You got ...

  • the hanged man | journal prompts

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  • DEATH: Experience Rebirth

    This class puts you through the fire so that you can be reborn from the ashes, ready to transition and transform into the next phase of your life. The death of old versions of ourselves makes way for growth and change. Listen to yourself, you know you better than anyone else. We’re here with you ...

  • death | journal prompts

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  • Temperance: Find The Middleground

    Nothing is 100% this or 100% that. There is constant movement, even in stillness. As you work through the challenge, allow yourself to engage with the grey area. Allow yourself the gift of patience while you learn. Meet yourself where you’re at. (36:09)

    Suggested props: Wall, strap, blocks

  • temperance | journal prompts

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  • THE DEVIL: Accept Your Darkness

    Confront your ego, and accept that every piece of you is important – even the parts you’re not proud of. This class is designed to ignite your fire and bring you into your body, but if you would rather take things slow and be soft, listen to that desire. Do whatever feels good. (43:43)


  • the devil | journal prompts

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  • THE TOWER: Find Your Foundation

    When the guiding structures of our lives collapse, we get to reevaluate the foundations we built them on and come back stronger. This class is all about finding stillness and rest within the chaos and working through complexity to grow something new. Fall apart on purpose. (34:41)

    Suggested prop...

  • the tower | journal prompts

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  • THE STAR: Shine Bright Like a Diamond

    Shine bright, shine far, don’t be shy – be a STAR! This is the new life that grows after the hardships brought on by The Devil and The Tower. Pull your power out from your core and expand into all of the possibilities ahead of you. Arrive with levity and heart, and be willing to play and fall dow...

  • the star | journal prompts

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  • The Moon: Explore Your Phases

    Let’s get intuitive. The Moon makes space for every phase of you, every emotion, every cycle. Just like the moon, no matter what version of yourself is most present, your whole self is always behind it. We’re going deep with our inner selves and seeing what’s down there. You might be surprised by...

  • the moon | journal prompts

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  • The Sun: Find Your Light

    This light lives inside of you ALL THE TIME! Even when you’re going through some shit, The Sun is always present and shining for you. Stand in the rays and let that warmth hit your skin. This is all for you. (26:04)

    Recommended props: blocks, blanket

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

  • the sun | journal prompts

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  • JUDGMENT: Liberation For All

    Welcome to liberation for all! Judgement is a reckoning of all things, inviting us to explore how we can liberate ourselves as a part of the collective experience. This is deep confrontation, and the trick is not to run away from it. Just let it all be there. (32:37)

    Recommended props: wall acce...

  • judgment | journal prompts

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  • THE WORLD: Complete The Cycle

    Endings and beginnings. Completion and fresh starts. We have explored every part of ourselves, and are ready to embark on the next phase. Get ready to jam through all the greatest hits of the previous 21 Major Arcana classes to see the power and magic you’ve built along the way. The world is your...

  • the world | journal prompts

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