Night Yoga
Let the day melt away as you ease into stillness. Our Night Yoga collection is your invitation to slow down, release tension, and prepare your body and mind for deep, restorative rest.
With gentle stretches, calming breathwork, and soft, mindful movements, these classes help you transition from the noise of the day to the quiet of the night. Perfect for unwinding tight muscles, calming a busy mind, and settling into the kind of rest you deserve.
Exhale. Unwind. Let yourself rest.
Night Cap: Bedtime Routine
Let the stress of the day roll off your back with this sweet and soothing flow. Release the hard parts of your day and invite the softness of self-compassion and forgiveness. Feel like practicing in bed? You do you. (20:17)
Recommended props: blanket, bolster, blocks
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Up... -
HOME COOKED: Grounding Nourishment
Unbutton your pants and unwind your mind. This flow is comforting, filling and makes space for all you’ve been carrying. Share the load, we got you. (20:32)
Recommended props: blocks
Featured Poses:
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
Cat/Cow Flow (Marjariasana/Bitilasana)
Pupp... -
A gentle, non-habit forming flow for the nights you can’t sleep. Sometimes if your mind wants to move around, so does your body. Release stress and energy for a better night’s sleep. (23:57)
Recommended props: blocks, blanket, bolster, strap, wall access
Featured Poses:
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)... -
CALM DOWN: Find Peace
This is the cozy, peaceful warmth of a fire on a cold night. We’re getting into the hips and allowing our soul to settle. You’ve done so much – give yourself permission to do less. Meet us in Savasana. (33:21)
Recommended props: blocks, bolster, strap
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Knee... -
strength in surrender | meditation
Honor the fluidity of your spirit by finding the strength to surrender, to release, and to give in to this moment. Find a comfortable seat, shake out your legs, and massage your scalp—fall into the soothing quietness of this meditative space. Release any tension in the neck, in the shoulders, and...
SLOW ROLL: Pre-Bedtime Practice
Bring your mess here and let it go. This class focuses on mindfulness through a short sequence of simple floor postures. Pull your energy back in and let yourself relax. The perfect pre-bedtime practice! (17:01)
No props needed
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Knees to Chest (Apanasana)
S... -
LATE PASS: A Slow Flow
This slow flow is all about letting your light shine! So, roll out your mat and take your time, everything else can wait. No excuses necessary, this is your late pass! (24:40)
Recommended props: blocks, strap
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)
Reclined Hand... -
Yoga for When You Can't Leave The Bed
Let your yoga meet you where you are! Maybe you need a reset, a rest or you just want to chill - with a little stretch. (8:25)
*note, the membership on YouTube is ending, stay with us here, on the app
Bedtime Yoga
Let's stretch and relax - letting go of the day and getting into our bodies to prepare to rest. We're releasing tension and easing ourself into bed. You can be easy here. (8:22)
*note our subscription on YouTube has ended - find all your yoga here on The Underbelly app!
SACRED SELF: Inner Peace & Strength
Work with your inner world so you can better show up for the one outside. This flow is designed to leave you feeling strong, confident and at peace for facing the rest of your day. (15:49)
No props needed.
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
Downward Faci... -
Relax to the max with this slow, restorative flow. Grab your mat and settle in near a wall with your eyes closed and your heart open. Full-body restoration, here we come! (36:06)
Recommended props: a wall, blocks, strap, blanket, bolster
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Knees to Chest Pos... -
TUNE INTO YOU: Feel Your Strength
Come to this class when you want to get your ass kicked – in a good way! You are capable of more than you could even imagine, and the only way to see it is to be pushed to the limit. Stop when you need to, rest when you need to.
Recommended props: two blocks
Featured poses:
Child’s Pose (Balas... -
MAKE IT SUPER LUSH: Melt Into the Mat
It’s yin time, baby. This class is meant to embrace you when nothing else in life feels like it’s got you – don’t worry, we do. (36:12)
Recommended props: blocks, strap, blanket, bolster, pillows
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Knee to Ch... -
The hardest part is getting to that mat, and you’ve already done that. Since you’re here, let’s take a moment for stillness and sit with the reality that not everything turns out the way we want it to. Life is complex, YOU are complex – and that’s beautiful. (23:59)
1-900-SEXERCISE: Intimacy Prep
Open your hips and get ready to ride. Whether you’re getting intimate alone or with partners, or just need to let some shit go, let this sequence connect you with your body. (20:05)
Recommended props: blocks, blankets, wall access
Featured Poses:
Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani)
Seated Stradd... -
In a world that preaches the hustle, rest is revolutionary. Join us on the mat for 30 minutes of self-care and self-compassion.