earth | intermediate yoga
take what you already know and deepen it. this track is all about grounding into your practice, strengthening your foundation, and expanding your movement.
here, you’ll connect breath with posture, explore hip openers, balance poses, and start laying the groundwork for inversions. whether you’re stepping outside your comfort zone or refining what you’ve already built, you are strong and powerful—stand in that truth.
get grounded. trust yourself. let’s grow.
CONNECT TO ENERGY: Fun & Fulfilling
Let’s have some FUN. No matter what you had to do to get here, this time is just for you. Whether you’re just getting your day started or finishing off a chaotic few hours, use the next 40 minutes to remember that you’re alive. Grab your favorite props, and let’s get our asses moving. (40:34)
FEEL STRONG AND POWERFUL: Discover Balance Postures
Balance is the key – in yoga and in life! Let’s break down the specifics on balancing postures and give you the tools to stand strong both on and off the mat. It doesn’t have to be graceful, it just has to be you. Grab a block and a strap, and let’s get going. (35:21)
Recommended props: blocks, ...
MANIFEST STILLNESS: Opening Hips & Hammies
Our bodies hold emotions in our hips. As we work through 30-ish minutes of hip and hamstring openers, you might feel some big feelings come up. Let it happen without shame – your feelings are welcome here. (36:14)
Suggested props: two blocks, a strap, a blanket, and a bolster
Featured poses:
Ch... -
Ready to get deep in your feels? We’re taking it from our hips to our hearts with opening postures to welcome our emotions and increase mobility. Submit to being exactly where you are right now. (41:54)
Recommended props: blocks, blanket
Featured poses:
Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Reclined Bound Ang... -
It’s time to get into the most open of hip openers: Hanumanasana (A.K.A., full split). Let your body take its time and sink into this expansion slowly – however long it takes. No need to force anything. There’s no rush. Just let it open naturally. (46:20)
Suggested props: two blocks
Featured po...
TUNE INTO YOU: Feel Your Strength
Come to this class when you want to get your ass kicked – in a good way! You are capable of more than you could even imagine, and the only way to see it is to be pushed to the limit. Stop when you need to, rest when you need to.
Recommended props: two blocks
Featured poses:
Child’s Pose (Balas... -
SOLIDIFY THE BASICS: Get Ready for Inversions
This class breaks down the postures that get you ready to build into inversions. Once you’re solid here, you’re golden to start exploring the Bottoms Up collection. Get ready to sweat. (45:17)
Recommended props: blocks, strap
Featured poses:
Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
Knee to Chest (Apanasana)
Recli... -
We’re mixing it up by adding new poses into the sequencing you already know. It’s not important if it’s perfect, it’s important that you try – that’s where the magic happens. Follow your breath, it knows where to take you. (35:06)
Suggested props: two blocks, bolster
Featured Poses:
Corpse Pose... -
restorative yoga
when nothing else in life feels like it’s got you—don’t worry, we do. this class is here to hold you, stretch you, and remind you to just be. slow down, sink in, and let yourself be fully supported.
recommended props: blocks, strap, blanket, bolster, pillows
featured poses:
corpse pose (savasan... -
Letting Go: Restorative Hip Openers
We’re sinking in, giving up, and letting go with a restorative approach to hip openers. This isn’t about flexibility, this is about melting away the bullshit from everyday life and surrendering to the process. (35:06)
Recommended props: blocks, pillows, bolster, blanket
Featured poses:
Corpse P...