10 - 20 Minute Classes

10 - 20 Minute Classes

Yoga and meditation classes that are 10-20 minutes in length.

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10 - 20 Minute Classes
  • DOWNWARD FACING DOG: Activate From the Ground Up

    Ground down and center your energy. Allow this common pose to become a place of respite. (10:20)

  • THREAD THE NEEDLE: Supine Pigeon Pose

    Also known as Supine Pigeon Pose. A step-by-step guide to release tension in your hips. Let go of what you’ve been holding on to, not just physically but emotionally as well. (10:23)

  • SINGLE PIGEON POSE: Just Release

    Deep hip openers can bring up a lot of repressed feelings. Whatever comes forward, know that it is supposed to be there. We feel you. You are not alone. (11:50)

    No props needed

  • maintaining breath meditation

    Today is our meditation day. Take this with you anytime, any place. Wherever you are, if you need a moment to pull down, we’ve got you. Just breathe. (11:12)

  • AM HONEY: Wake Up Slow

    Wake yourself up slow and sweet. Soften while you strengthen as you move through spinal activations and get stagnant energy moving. Do it on a mat, do it on the rug, do it in your bed! (11:44)

    No props needed

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
    Cat/Cow Flow (Marja...

  • DOGGY STYLE: Down Dog Three Ways

    Work through the bullshit one downward dog at a time. Strengthen, lengthen, and ground through a few variations on everybody’s favorite way to get their face down and their ass up. (15:00)

    No props needed

    Featured Poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
    Cat/Cow Flow (Marjarias...

  • EARTHY QUEEN: Invite Confidence, Release Nervous Energy

    Release nervous energy and invite in confidence with this grounding, no-frills flow. Listen to your body and only do what feels good – you’re an earthy queen. (15:36)

    No props needed

    Featured Poses:
    Corpse Pose (Sukhasana)
    Knees to Chest (Apanasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharmanasana)
    Cat/Cow Flow (M...

  • FLAKY DAYS: Energize When You'd Rather Not

    We all have days we'd rather flake than show up on the mat. Turn your excuses into fuel with this quick, energizing flow. The next time you feel like skipping class, grab your favorite props and hit play instead. (14:00)

    No props needed

    Featured Poses:
    Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
    Seated Cat/Cow Flow ...

  • UNSCREWED: Frustration Release

    Sometimes we think we’re screwed when we’re really just screwed too tight. Unscrew your mind and body while releasing anxiety and frustration! (15:31)

    No props needed

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Knees to Chest (Apanasana)
    Reclined Half Lotus/Reclined Bikram Tree (Supta Ardha Padmasa...

  • AM SAUCE: Yoga Espresso Shot

    Pour this flow on days that feel extra dry and let yourself soak it up! This flow is best for the morning or anytime you want a burst of energy. Leave the mat feeling centered and ready to spice up your life. (14:38)

    No props needed.

    Featured poses:
    Corpse Pose (Savasana)
    Tabletop Pose (Bharman...

  • QUICKIE: Meditate & Breathe

    Get in a quick meditation when you need it, anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re sitting at your desk, in the car or laying down just before bed. Take a few minutes to relax, decompress and breathe. Just the quick relief we were looking for. (11:12)

  • PIN CUSHION: Meditate Your Feelings

    If sitting still with your emotions is the hardest thing to do, that’s how you know you need it most. In this meditation focus on being still and breathing through discomfort. If you’ve been having a lot of big emotions come up in your postural practice, come here to sit with them. (15:42)

    No pr...

  • SUNNY SIDE A: Warm Up & Get Ready

    The OG sequence we know and love. Move through Sun Salutation A to start your day, no matter what time it is. Practice this class on its own, or use it to warm up for another class. It’s yoga, your way! (15:15)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured Poses:
    Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    Upward Salute (Ur...

  • Heart Shine: Open Up

    This full-body flow hits every spot and opens you up where you need it most. Stretch and let your heart shine! (17:26)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    Upward Salute (Urdvha Hastasana)
    Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
    Half-Lift Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana)...

  • RECESS: Desk-Friendly Stretching

    A snack-sized stretch from your chair or desk. This class focuses on the upper body where tension builds up when we spend too much time at our desks and devices. Let it all go, tension, to-do’s and invite rest and relaxation. Call it recess. (14:41)

    No props needed

  • UNRAVELING: Combine it All

    The entire Hibernation capsule in one video! If you want to get a little movement and a little stretching in, hit play and work through your body from head to toe. (12:23)

    Recommended props: wall, chair

    Featured poses:
    Seated Upward Salute (Urdvha Hastasana)
    Seated Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

  • reaching & reconnecting | meditation

    In this practice, Jessamyn guides us through Hero Pose. We’re connecting with our breath, letting it guide the way to our spiritual body, and meeting the intensity of Hero Pose with an empowered spirit. Settle into the silence around you. At the end of this practice, we leave with tools to reach ...


    Inhale, exhale – let your body melt like an ice cream cone, even if that means things get sloppy. We’re digging into the breath as we prepare to get upside down with 10-ish minutes of foundational poses. (13:21)

    Recommended props: blocks

    Featured poses:
    Child’s Pose (Balasana)
    Cat (Marjariasana...

  • WORK THROUGH IT: Flip It And Reverse It

    This class is just a quick inversion moment: Dolphin, Headstand, Child’s Pose and go about your day. We’ll address the mental component of going upside down and how to move through the process. If you’re feeling like you can’t do it yet, just know that it’s a part of you that has to open up – jus...

  • QUIET TIME: Listen In

    Let’s get quiet and feel. Bring your awareness into the present moment: you are here, you exist, and you are happening on purpose. This 10-ish minute meditation practice allows you to show up as you are – that’s always enough. (12:34)

    No Props Needed

    Featured poses:
    Easy Pose/Meditation Seat (S...